perm filename TOM[RDG,DBL]7 blob sn#661835 filedate 1982-06-07 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂25-Mar-82  1333	Pressburger at KESTREL (Tom Pressburger) 	book about metaphors by lakoff   
C00006 00003	   1) 31-May To: tom at KESTREL   Piano for Sale
C00010 ENDMK
∂25-Mar-82  1333	Pressburger at KESTREL (Tom Pressburger) 	book about metaphors by lakoff   

what is its name, publisher, year, author? have you bought me a copy yet 
(don't get defensive
i want to buy 3).

whats newest manual on mrs, rll, etc? the system is available for use?

∂TO tom@kestrel 15:56 29-Mar-82
... when did you ask me to buy you a copy, or two, or three?
Anyway, here's the data, in Scribe format:

Key = "Lakoff",
Author = "Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark",
Title = "Metaphors We Live By",
Publisher = "The University of Chicago Press",
Address = "Chicago", Year = 1980)
@Comment< Interesting view - expands his Cognitive Science paper
Claim: we are constantly using metaphor, in just our day to day
speech.  Example: We view time as a precious commodity - ala money.
Hence we talk of taking time, using time, giving time, ...
(Book is full of examples.)  Lakoff goes on to claim there is a
method to these metaphors -- some sense of consistency and meaning.
Note: offensively small bibliography: no mention of Kuhn, or Quine, (etc)
whose ideas seem, nevertheless, to be included.>

I've had no problem finding copies of it -- check the Stanford Bookstore.

As to RLL/MRS/... :
Steve Klein has the only currently active version of RLL these days.  
Are you foolhardy enough to think you might want to use it?
MRS is probably preferable, all told.  According to MRG, there will
soon be a hacker working full time updating, consistency-izing,
etc,  it.

other news:
Did I mention that ther will be an "AEsthetics of Music" class --
Tuesday at 3:15-5:05 at Ventura Hall, taught by some Philosophers.
Tell Janet, and Andy Schloss, if you see them.

Elizabeth says Hi.  NY was a bit brisk, but had a lot less rain that
"sunny" California.  Boston was fun also.  I brought back a host
of reports, and a few potentially useful memories.
What did you do this "break"?

   1) 31-May To: tom at KESTREL   Piano for Sale
   2)  1-Jun PRESSBURGER at KESTR Piano for Sale

Message 1 -- ************************
Mail-From: CSD.GREINER created at 31-May-82 20:22:20
Date: 31 May 1982 2022-PDT
From: Russell Greiner <CSD.GREINER at SU-SCORE>
Subject: Piano for Sale
To: tom at KESTREL

	A friend of mine is selling her piano for about $800.
It is in good condition, and (she claims) would probably
cost $1000+ at a piano store.  
Other facts:  It was just tuned.
	She will throw in a nice piano seat, humidifier, ...  
	Reason: her new apartment is too small.

Let me know if you (or anyone else you know) is interested.

Message 2 -- ************************
Mail-from: ARPANET site KESTREL rcvd at 1-Jun-82 1244-PDT
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 1982  11:14-PDT
Subject: Piano for Sale

Well, maybe. What type is it ? 

if type=(studio upright or little grand) and (not (a console or spinet))
  then ASK?(her phone#)

∂TO tom@kestrel 15:13 1-Jun-82
Piano Axioms, or whatever

   Isa:				Neighbor
   Name:			Gayle <something or other>
   Intentional Description:	Owner of P4S
   Now selling:			P4S
   Number:			(415) 321-3705 
   Address:			225 Lincoln
	Stated-another-way:	about a block from RDG

   Isa:				Piano
   Name:			Fred-the-Piano
   Intentional Description:	"the piano for sale"
   Owner:			G0032
   Type:			Upright
   IsNotA:			?

<<what's a console, and what's a spinet?>>

Give me units over predicate calculus, anyday.
By the way, I bought Pentax ME Super - w/the regular f2 lens.
Wow!  (I figured I would need something to avoid a depression.
I was right -- I would.  I was wrong in thinking a camera would serve.

How are you, by the way?


∂07-Jun-82  1302	PRESSBURGER at KESTREL 	Piano Axioms, or whatever      

"intensional" not "intentional"